We start off in 2D mode similar to your hospital scan and the Doctor or Sonographer will check that all is well with baby – please note we do not look for abnormalities but if we see something that we feel could be a problem we will explain fully and even speak to your Doctor or midwife on your behalf.
Next we will position the baby ready for 4D. 4D is dependent on the position your baby is in, either profile or full face, and the amount of fluid in front of the face – the more fluid the better the scan images are.
You will see baby’s movements and facial expressions. It is difficult to say whether baby is awake or sleeping as they move all the time and its rare to see their eyes open, occasionally we may see them blink.If baby is laying face down or is tucked behind your placenta it will be hard to get good images and if this is the case we will ask you to change position or even take a walk, eat more chocolate and have a drink to hopefully encourage babies movement.
If your baby’s position is good, a box will appear around your baby’s face, lay back and relax for the most breath taking and precious time as we… celebrate your miracle of life.