The team and family at The Original Window to the Womb are super proud of our service, and quality of performance and delivery to all our client.
We would like to show you the latest CQC report that is live, and can be found on this website: Click here for CQC website.
This is a summary of their report:
Our rating of this service stayed the same. We rated it as Good overall.
We found the following areas of good practice:
The service had enough staff with the right qualifications, skills, training and experience to keep people safe from avoidable harm and to provide a safe service.
The service had adequate well-maintained equipment and the facilities were clean, comfortable and appropriate for the service being delivered.
Suitable wellbeing checks were carried out before scans were performed, systems and processes were in place to escalate care in the event of a scan anomaly or medical emergency.
Personal information was managed well, records were completed fully and information was stored securely.
Procedures were in place to report and investigate incidents, staff were aware of the duty of candour and there was a culture of openness and honesty. ‘How to complain’ information was easily accessible to clients and the public.
Scans were carried out in line with evidence-based guidance and recommended standards and the service kept up to date with changes and developments in ultrasound scanning. The service monitored outcomes appropriate to the procedure.
The team delivering the service worked well together and understood each other’s roles. Referral pathways had been developed in collaboration with other health services and staff had easy access to other health care professionals if needed.
Information was available in different formats so women were able to make informed choices about the type of scan they wanted and any possible risks and side effects.
The team were passionate about delivering a positive experience to women and their families. Women and their families were treated in a caring way with dignity and respect. Everyone attending the scan was involved in the experience. Women could contact the provider following the scan if they had any concerns.
The service was easy to access, reasonable adjustments had been made so women with a disability and their families could access the service. Information was available in different languages.
Appointments were available in the evening and weekends, there was no waiting list or cancellation of appointments.
Managers had the skills and abilities to run the service, were visible and were supportive towards staff. They were committed to delivering the vision and values of the service and promoted a positive culture that valued staff.
Governance processes reflected the service being delivered, most risks were identified, assessed and managed and plans were in place to manage unplanned emergencies.
Managers considered feedback from staff and clients and proactively sought to develop and make improvements to the service.
We found the following areas of outstanding practice:
Feedback from women who used the service and those who were close to them was continually positive about the way staff treated them. There was a strong visible person-centred culture, staff were highly motivated and inspired to offer care that was kind and promoted dignity.
Women could access the service and appointments in a way and at a time that suited them. Technology was used innovatively to ensure timely access to support and care.