• 9th July 2019

Technology and Safety

Technology and Safety

Technology and Safety 150 150 Original Window to the Womb
Ultrasound is very high frequency sound waves, well above the perception of the human ear. 3D and 4D ultrasound uses the same technology as 2D ultrasound.

  • 2D ultrasound gives imaging in 2 dimensions and is used in diagnostic examinations.
  • 3D ultrasound gives images in 3-dimensions, still pictures.
  • 4D ultrasound gives imaging in the fourth dimension, giving us real-time movement of your baby in the womb.

We take safety very seriously and have adopted the A.L.A.R.A protocol when scanning: As Low As Reasonably Achievable. We also follow BMUS new guidelines for non-diagnostic bonding scans, which means we have lowered the output levels on our Voluson and do not scan before 16 weeks, or repeat measurements/screening done on your hospital scan.

At all times we endeavour to say abreast of all safety studies and reports reviewed by the “British Medical Ultrasound Society”.

We strongly advise that you have attended your hospital anomaly scan before your visit to us.

Please feel free to ask advise from your own Dr or Midwife about visiting us.

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