Please drink 2 extra glasses of water every day starting the week before your gender and 4D scan this will help to keep you well hydrated. Try not to poke and prod your baby most don’t like it.
If you are coming for a gender scan it is REALLY important that you have a full bladder. This helps to lift baby up out of your pelvis to get the best pictures possible. Without a full bladder, gender confirmation may not be possible and we may need to walk you for up to an hour or bring you back on a different day.
Try to find half an hour a day to relax gently stroke and massage your bump get dad to join in, pop on some soothing music.
On day of 4D scan have a meal around 2hrs before you arrive with us. 10-20 mins before your 4D scan have something sweet to eat / drink, this will hopefully help to get baby moving.
Please arrive 10 mins early and have a walk around just to try and get baby to wake up. Please bring along your hospital notes. Please note due to new health & safety regs we can only allow upto 5 guests with mum to be in the scan room, not including your children. Any problems please give us a ring 0115 8776945.
This all depending on our current covid restrictions.